Saturday 17 March 2012

Well hello there miss eclair ...

First try .... Not bad! Easy enough to make, harder to judge when cooked, I hope it's not only me that doesn't no what halloow sounds like in pastry?!

Rustic looking I'll admit, there's room for some tarting up.

Sunday 4 March 2012

Rocky road.

Marshmallow, digestive, and macadamia nut crunch. Variation cadburys mini eggs.

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Flat bottom brownies.

A hearty try... But ouber tasty. NB: not sure why they sank, maybe because of flour?? Hmmm.

Sunday 19 February 2012

Blueberry tray bake, with a lemon icing.

First attempt at a tray bake with fruit, trick to stop the fruit sinking is to place some in middle of batter, recover with batter and then sprinkle on top. Works a  treat!

Tuesday 14 February 2012

A few days ago I said I would bake some cakes, saying yes was my downfall I never it would be such a task! For two nights the kitchen was out of bounds, we didn't eat for several days ... But it was worth it, they tasted great if I say so myself!

The best coffee cake ever!!